
Moron Recruiters are Now Contacting Me

I'm not sure if it fits here but I'm kind of ticked off. It took me 5 YEARS to get a job in my field. During this time I feel into depression as companies either ghosted me or rejected me without any helpful insight. I recently landed something close to a dream job. A couple months into my new job recruiters from companies I applied to in the past are now reaching out to me. One idiot recruiter had the audacity to reach out to me on my work email telling me they were now interested in me and desperately wanted me to apply for a specific position. All of the recruiters reaching out to me at the moment, are from companies that rejected me in the past. They didn't even want me for entry level positions because they claimed that I did not have enough experience (despite several internships)…

I'm not sure if it fits here but I'm kind of ticked off.

It took me 5 YEARS to get a job in my field. During this time I feel into depression as companies either ghosted me or rejected me without any helpful insight.

I recently landed something close to a dream job. A couple months into my new job recruiters from companies I applied to in the past are now reaching out to me. One idiot recruiter had the audacity to reach out to me on my work email telling me they were now interested in me and desperately wanted me to apply for a specific position.

All of the recruiters reaching out to me at the moment, are from companies that rejected me in the past. They didn't even want me for entry level positions because they claimed that I did not have enough experience (despite several internships) and/or the title of my degree was not what they were looking even though it was relevant to the job.

I decided to burn a bridge with the person that reached out to me on my work email by responding, “l don't understand why you are so interested and desperate for me now. I still don't have 3-5 years of experience for your entry level positions. Obviously there must be something wrong with your company culture. Thank you for rejecting my past applications.”

Is anyone else experiencing this hypocritical BS from past companies/recruiters?

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