
Most of my coworkers have less than $100 in the bank.

We got to talking today about the demands of the job and how they don’t pay us enough. I shared that I don’t even have enough money to get gas until our next paycheck next week so I don’t know how I’m going to even get to work. This led to everyone sharing that they too are in desperate financial situations. Our bosses, just one level up the hierarchy, make twice as much as we do and we’re all scrambling to even get to work, let alone pay all the bills. We are all living on less than $100 until the end of the month while they ask us to do more and more work and they take on less and less. I can’t wait until we all find new jobs and leave them having to learn how to answer phones, use our software, and manage the amount of clients…

We got to talking today about the demands of the job and how they don’t pay us enough. I shared that I don’t even have enough money to get gas until our next paycheck next week so I don’t know how I’m going to even get to work. This led to everyone sharing that they too are in desperate financial situations. Our bosses, just one level up the hierarchy, make twice as much as we do and we’re all scrambling to even get to work, let alone pay all the bills. We are all living on less than $100 until the end of the month while they ask us to do more and more work and they take on less and less. I can’t wait until we all find new jobs and leave them having to learn how to answer phones, use our software, and manage the amount of clients we’re all managing now. They’ll drown.

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