
Most people don’t have the time or energy to think about anything profound which might lead to them waking up. This is why things don’t change, and it’s done on purpose.

Constantly being bombarded with advertisements about buying the newest thing that will make you happy for 10 minutes and all the capitalist propaganda about how hard work will lead to a happy successful life, which is not true for many many people, especially with the out of control cost of living and price gouging going on. Your hard work and money will however make some uber rich assholes even richer…so it's working for them I suppose. I think one good thing about the Coronapocalyse was that some people that had a bit of time off work, started to contemplate how f**ked our society really is, what a lie most of us are living and how the all important economy that we're killing ourselves and our planet for is smoke and mirrors. There is no “trickle down” economy…it is only a “funnel up” scheme run by scoundrels. But now people are…

Constantly being bombarded with advertisements about buying the newest thing that will make you happy for 10 minutes and all the capitalist propaganda about how hard work will lead to a happy successful life, which is not true for many many people, especially with the out of control cost of living and price gouging going on. Your hard work and money will however make some uber rich assholes even richer…so it's working for them I suppose.

I think one good thing about the Coronapocalyse was that some people that had a bit of time off work, started to contemplate how f**ked our society really is, what a lie most of us are living and how the all important economy that we're killing ourselves and our planet for is smoke and mirrors. There is no “trickle down” economy…it is only a “funnel up” scheme run by scoundrels.

But now people are going back to the grind, most don't have a choice. You've got bills to pay right? You work, you commute, gotta eat, maybe you've got kids to take care of too. How are we going to have a revolution, when people are too damn tired and complacent to revolt? Are we just going to put up with this nightmare zombie system until the environment collapses and most of us die? I was hopeful we could do better…but so far I've only seen more of a dystopia than the utopia we could have.

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