
Mother thinks I just have to in ask repeatedly for a job in order to get a new one

Take down if not allowed. I currently trying to find a new job that pays a bit better than my current one. So far no luck. I've filled put applications and gone to interviews, nothing has worked out yet. Maybe I'm seen as “someone who doesn't want to work” because I've had 3 jobs in 6 six years which means I'm a lazy millennial that doesn't care about working. My previous two jobs I left for personal reasons. My current one is just to far away to keep commuting back and forth to for such little pay. I expressed all this to my mother (big mistake). Before I was even done venting to her she interupts me and says “You need to do what I did when I got my job at the first hospital I worked at. You have to go and firmly ask for a job. Multiple times…

Take down if not allowed.

I currently trying to find a new job that pays a bit better than my current one. So far no luck. I've filled put applications and gone to interviews, nothing has worked out yet. Maybe I'm seen as “someone who doesn't want to work” because I've had 3 jobs in 6 six years which means I'm a lazy millennial that doesn't care about working. My previous two jobs I left for personal reasons. My current one is just to far away to keep commuting back and forth to for such little pay.

I expressed all this to my mother (big mistake). Before I was even done venting to her she interupts me and says “You need to do what I did when I got my job at the first hospital I worked at. You have to go and firmly ask for a job. Multiple times if need be. All that applying on the computer doesn't work. You're just feeding information to the government.”

I said nothing and didn't bother explaining that demanding a job multiple times is how you get kicked out with a harassment suit. Nor did I bother explaining that she got that hospital job in 70s after her parents paid for her nursing degree and she never had to worry about getting a part time job at a store or restaurant.

She's never worked behind a counter, in a kitchen or stock room. She had everything handed to her career wise. She never had to worry about finding a job that pays enough to provide for the family because she married well on top her successful nursing career.

The same goes for my 2 half brothers who just had their careers handed to them on a silver platter, by their dad.

Whereas I, the youngest, have to fight for more hours, budget what little I get for bills, calculate if I have enough EBT to buy groceries for the month since I don't get enough to feed a family of four, and try and save for a marriage certificate.

As much as I want to, I don't ask for handouts from my family for help, because I'd be seen as a lazy millennial that just wants to be able to afford a $20 cup of coffee. No, I want to be able to buy diapers and food.

My family already thinks I'm a waste of time because I work minimum wage, no college education and live in a trailer with my 2yo, soon to husband of 8 years and my MIL.

Anyways, I just wish I could make anyone in my family understand that the real world doesn't work for me like it did for them. Nothing was handed to me like it was for them. They did the bare minimum and got everything they wanted. I work myself to death and scrape together enough cash just to buy my 2yo a small toy.

I hate this.

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