
Mother wants me to call my old employer’s HR. I think it’s a but pointless.

So my mother works a job selling stuff that gets various clients. However, her most recent client was apparently the head of HR from the last employer that fired me after 3 write ups over a year ago. She told the woman about my situation (firing for having 3 write ups within a specific timespan, unemployment giving me issues, etc), and she told my mom “write-ups only last 90 days before they drop off” and also told her I should apply again despite getting fired during covid work from home? Which, I was told write-ups last 6-9 months, because of state requirements due to that department being a middle man for a state waiver. So I have a feeling the HR woman is speaking for the majority of the company, not the entirety of it. In total I only ever had 4 write ups at that job, and the one…

So my mother works a job selling stuff that gets various clients. However, her most recent client was apparently the head of HR from the last employer that fired me after 3 write ups over a year ago.

She told the woman about my situation (firing for having 3 write ups within a specific timespan, unemployment giving me issues, etc), and she told my mom “write-ups only last 90 days before they drop off” and also told her I should apply again despite getting fired during covid work from home?
Which, I was told write-ups last 6-9 months, because of state requirements due to that department being a middle man for a state waiver.
So I have a feeling the HR woman is speaking for the majority of the company, not the entirety of it.

In total I only ever had 4 write ups at that job, and the one that got me fired was due to the state's well known broken website not uploading my stuff, so it looked like negilence.

Now my mother got this woman's number. I recognize this woman's name. I have a feeling she may have been the 2nd person in the office when I was fired as I got her business card from whoever that was. Either way, super awkward situation.

But my mother wants me to call her? And my aunt thinks somehow I can get my overworked anxiety ridden job back until I find a “better” one. Which I dislike that job. We were the example of making money for the company while they paid us not even a living wage. BuT tHe FlExIbIlITy!

Do I call this woman? Like, what would it achieve? Either I get clarification about how write-ups work, but what will it even do beyond help my case for unemployment? I find out they were using stricter than normal rules the company uses for every other department, or they lied to me??

It's funny because I called HR before and the woman I got told me they couldn't give me my previous write-ups/correction action plans nor my exit paperwork I signed.

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