
Moving internally in January, boss expecting me to work overtime and piling on more work in my last month.

My boss is piling on work now in my last month, I'm moving internally so can't just leave or take holiday or sick. Two other people have quit but are moving externally and one has now finished. They're completing ignoring my warnings against certain decisions they're making that will absolutely swamp the replacements and make December 10x worse for everyone. Out of malicious compliance and for an easier life for myself I've just gone along with it and will wait for the backlash. They're trying to get us to work overtime, I'm debating doing some in order to take some of it back at the end of the year as they don't pay overtime and have to let me take it back before the year end. Any advice on keeping my cool when it all goes to shit and they swamp me with questions non stop and question everything I…

My boss is piling on work now in my last month, I'm moving internally so can't just leave or take holiday or sick. Two other people have quit but are moving externally and one has now finished. They're completing ignoring my warnings against certain decisions they're making that will absolutely swamp the replacements and make December 10x worse for everyone. Out of malicious compliance and for an easier life for myself I've just gone along with it and will wait for the backlash.

They're trying to get us to work overtime, I'm debating doing some in order to take some of it back at the end of the year as they don't pay overtime and have to let me take it back before the year end.

Any advice on keeping my cool when it all goes to shit and they swamp me with questions non stop and question everything I do even when it's following their instructions?

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