
Multi-billion dollar company can’t offer $5k

My boss, who is beloved by all and is one of the hardest working people I know, told me he will be leaving the company this week. This was a shock to all since he has said he plans on retiring with the company (I am thinking he is late 30s, early 40s right now). He has been an amazing mentor, worked up the ladder in a short period of time, and is liked by a majority of the people he works with. He easily puts over 50hrs a week in and I wouldn't be surprised if he has missed important family events due to putting work first (even though he encourages all to not do that). He got an offer from a reputable company for better benefits and a $5k raise. He brought this to our company expecting a pay match and something similar to the benefits since they…

My boss, who is beloved by all and is one of the hardest working people I know, told me he will be leaving the company this week. This was a shock to all since he has said he plans on retiring with the company (I am thinking he is late 30s, early 40s right now). He has been an amazing mentor, worked up the ladder in a short period of time, and is liked by a majority of the people he works with. He easily puts over 50hrs a week in and I wouldn't be surprised if he has missed important family events due to putting work first (even though he encourages all to not do that).

He got an offer from a reputable company for better benefits and a $5k raise. He brought this to our company expecting a pay match and something similar to the benefits since they have flat out told him that he is a very valuable employee to the company. They didn't offer him any pay match and apparently nothing else that was anything but insulting.

We are now losing a beloved manager who has done incredible work in the time he has been here over $5k. Our company has billion dollar profits. I hope they are ready to lose more workers. Fuck this company and fuck capitalism.

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