
multiple cases of harassment left unchecked

About a month ago I had to quit my job at a place where you can get mexican food but like at a subway. Shortly after employment, one person called me a slur and tried to physically intimidate me. When I reported it, I was told there had to be documentation done, but never received anything to sign. Another person literally laughed in my face after causing me a panic attack after cornering me. Again, no documentation was filed. One day, after the first person again harassed another employee, the employee quit. I found out this girl was the 4th to quit due to the harassment. Once I realized how nothing was ever going to be done, I refused to continue my employment. I know money is tight right now, but it wasn't worth my mental and physical health to let myself continue to be harassed. The two guys who…

About a month ago I had to quit my job at a place where you can get mexican food but like at a subway. Shortly after employment, one person called me a slur and tried to physically intimidate me. When I reported it, I was told there had to be documentation done, but never received anything to sign. Another person literally laughed in my face after causing me a panic attack after cornering me. Again, no documentation was filed. One day, after the first person again harassed another employee, the employee quit. I found out this girl was the 4th to quit due to the harassment. Once I realized how nothing was ever going to be done, I refused to continue my employment. I know money is tight right now, but it wasn't worth my mental and physical health to let myself continue to be harassed. The two guys who literally got off on harassing women at the burrito place that shall not be named, you are trash.

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