
Mutual aid.

I’ve often thought about the successful revolutions and social movements in history. One stand out thing for success is mutual aid. Communities and groups that rise to the occasion in times of crisis are very successful. This subreddit has clearly identified the problems in the workforce. However sometimes despair without solution can be really toxic and detrimental to growth. In life your either part of the solution or part of the problem. Personally i’d love to see people using their knowledges and resources to start linking jobs or opportunities for others in their area to establish a network. Someone out there near you may be a beacon of light for someone who feels completely lost. Thinking barriers and feelings of hopelessness may not let you see things others can. Give people hope, direction, fuck it give them rides to interviews. The only way through this is solidarity. Maybe idealist dreams…

I’ve often thought about the successful revolutions and social movements in history. One stand out thing for success is mutual aid. Communities and groups that rise to the occasion in times of crisis are very successful. This subreddit has clearly identified the problems in the workforce. However sometimes despair without solution can be really toxic and detrimental to growth. In life your either part of the solution or part of the problem. Personally i’d love to see people using their knowledges and resources to start linking jobs or opportunities for others in their area to establish a network. Someone out there near you may be a beacon of light for someone who feels completely lost. Thinking barriers and feelings of hopelessness may not let you see things others can. Give people hope, direction, fuck it give them rides to interviews. The only way through this is solidarity.

Maybe idealist dreams sound comical to some but everything good starts with hope and belief. Often i get the sense that people believe that this is just the way it is. This perpetuates and almost allows it to become a societal norm. Educate people around you and create a subreddit full of hope. Also if you read about strikes or union busting in your area show up. Not everyone has the luxury of time or the ability to do so tho I get that. Yet some of us in here are well off enough to invest that effort into reinforcing these people who genuinely do need our support in order for things to actually change. If your store is going on strike by all means please give us the details. Apes strong together.

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