
My American Experience, a reaction to “get a job, get a better job.”

I really need to get my experience off my chest – this is a repost of a comment I graduated top of my class in high school. I went to a private, but extremely expensive, high level school. I spent a semester there. It was only a semester because I quickly realized I was surrounded by idiots who got in through connections from mommy and daddy, who also happened to be paying for everything plus extra. My loans were my own and I was working 30 hours a week on retail commission just to eat and survive. I was in 300 people lectures watching old men drone verbatim narration of power point slides. I quickly realized I fell for a scam. I left. I did community college. There, I realized I wasn't getting a real education. This was the total opposite of my previous experience, yet the same. The information…

I really need to get my experience off my chest – this is a repost of a comment

I graduated top of my class in high school. I went to a private, but extremely expensive, high level school.

I spent a semester there. It was only a semester because I quickly realized I was surrounded by idiots who got in through connections from mommy and daddy, who also happened to be paying for everything plus extra. My loans were my own and I was working 30 hours a week on retail commission just to eat and survive. I was in 300 people lectures watching old men drone verbatim narration of power point slides.

I quickly realized I fell for a scam. I left. I did community college. There, I realized I wasn't getting a real education. This was the total opposite of my previous experience, yet the same. The information was severely dated. I had classes that had attendance and participation points. “Professors” that I couldn't believe were even allowed to drive, nevertheless teach a fucking a class (due both to age and competence). I was exploring computer science, and so worst of all were the students: the most socially inept, awkward, deservedly rejected, emotionally stunted, in-every-way gross, douchebags of society. I couldn't imagine spending 40 hours a week with those people for the rest of my life, and so above all else, that was my greatest deal breaker.

I once again quit school. I decided I should just engage in the work force wholeheartedly and feel my way through.

I wound up in the casino business. Gambling became legalized in my state and there were open interviews. It seemed exciting and fun. And of course casinos are made of money so the money would be good.

And at first, it was. I saw opportunities for progression. I took them. I thought surely my hard work and great performance would build a career for me.

And once again, I was wrong. I've now done 9 years in this business, and despite two promotions, I'm now making less money, effectively (e.g. by inflation), than if I had never taken a promotion to begin with. I've been working 48 hour weeks for over a year now just to make ends meet without sacrificing quality of life. The turnover is outrageous, and due to my promotions, that has become my burden and liability (i.e. I supervise over incompetent, inept, barely- even-English speaking employees). Despite making more and more money year over year, and particularly through covid, annual “merit” raises are limited to 3%. They don't even cover cost of living, nevertheless merit.

I'm so sick of my job. I absolutely hate my company and hope the owning family (of course the ownership is based on nepotism) all [use your imagination according to sub rules]. I mean that sincerely. I genuinely yearn for them to [sub rules] alive. The old fuck literally put his old ugly face on the chips so we have to stare at our capitalist overlord every single day. I like to imagine it in [happy bright red flickering lights].

I tried to do the right things. I sacrificed my entire teenage childhood years – fucking eighteen AP classes, 3 sports a year, honor society president – so I could guarantee myself at a good school. Only to find out school was a capitalist lie. I tried to adjust, only to find out the budget option was also a lie. I took the old school route, “work hard, stay loyal” only to be fucked by a profits over people “family business.” One that literally just makes money. Like that's the business. Taking money.

I've been lied to and deceived at every single step and move I've made in my professional life. Cheated and taken advantage of is the norm.

My grandfather had a high school education but worked at a spice company for 30+ years after leaving the army as a cook. He had something to do with security. I'm not exactly sure because I'm not sure he was exactly sure. By the end they were forcing him out to retire. The man could barely navigate his email. Of course he thought it was “ageism.” Through that time, he supported a housewife and 3 children, and supported 1 child through his entire life. That child, my uncle, inherited the same as my aunt and my mom. Not only that, he used my dementia riddled grandmother to steal $100k before the inheritance could be passed. My grandfather owned two houses and a car. He wanted for nothing. My uncle hasn't worked in over three decades

But somehow, I'm supposed to do better. I should be doing something more. I'm not working hard enough. I'm not educated enough (which, by the way, is a fucking insult – I'm significantly more educated than anyone with a general bachelors, and the idea that it “proves dedication and commitment blahblah” can just go fuck itself).

Fuck man. I just had to get that all out.

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