
My answer to every exit interview question is MORE MONEY

“What can we do to make you stay?” “More money.” “How can we make things better for the next person in your role?” “More money.” Even if you don’t control my salary the answer is more money. Want to staunch the bleeding? Pay more money. Retain talent and keep them engaged and not “quiet quitting?” Pay more money. Guess what my new job offered more of? We are quitting for MORE MONEY.

“What can we do to make you stay?”
“More money.”

“How can we make things better for the next person in your role?”
“More money.”

Even if you don’t control my salary the answer is more money. Want to staunch the bleeding? Pay more money. Retain talent and keep them engaged and not “quiet quitting?” Pay more money. Guess what my new job offered more of?

We are quitting for MORE MONEY.

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