
My body and Mind are breaking down.

My motivation has died long ago. I've been gradually worn down. Eroded into this husk of my self. This job, and any job for that matter, slowly wears us all down. Through time and pressure we become shades; soulless, pliable, fearful. All that's left is drudgery and sameness. Like a video on repeat, we drive the same road to work, follow the same routine, eat at the same time, worry, worry, pressure, pressure, produce, produce, and repeat for your masters. Oh yes, they are your masters. Do not delude yourselves. I've been thinking alot about the philosophy of modern work. One conclusion I have come to is that we are slaves. Less than serfs. We have been given the illusion of freedom, nothing more. The hope that we may rise above our situation has been planted in us long ago when we were young. If you work hard, do what…

My motivation has died long ago. I've been gradually worn down. Eroded into this husk of my self. This job, and any job for that matter, slowly wears us all down. Through time and pressure we become shades; soulless, pliable, fearful. All that's left is drudgery and sameness. Like a video on repeat, we drive the same road to work, follow the same routine, eat at the same time, worry, worry, pressure, pressure, produce, produce, and repeat for your masters. Oh yes, they are your masters. Do not delude yourselves. I've been thinking alot about the philosophy of modern work. One conclusion I have come to is that we are slaves. Less than serfs. We have been given the illusion of freedom, nothing more. The hope that we may rise above our situation has been planted in us long ago when we were young. If you work hard, do what your told, and consume you will rise above and become much happier. This is a farce. A glass ceiling with the carrot just beyond it. You must work. You must consume. You must earn your right to survive. Like so many cows corralled for Slaughter, we are oblivious to our purpose. Sorry for the depressing tone. Just had to get it out.

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