
My book keeper keeps trying to make me do something clearly thats in a doctors note I can’t while making up stuff that was never agreed too

So I work retail in a grocery store. I cashiered and did carts for yrs and about 12 yrs ago I developed tingling pins and needles in my left arm hand and elbow area and numbness. I had to file workers comp at the time as the company we were only accepted DRs note if it was through their drs. Test were run and I did light PT to strength my wrist area. Nothing could be done for the pain other then I couldn't check anymore back to back and could do most 6 hr shifts. I lost 3% strength perminately grip wise. Anyway we were bought out by another grocery store and we ended up with beer/wine department. PA ass backwards so only certain registers could purchase alcohol. The pandemic and then the holiday season literally fucked up my arm again. Instead of being an express lane just dealing…

So I work retail in a grocery store. I cashiered and did carts for yrs and about 12 yrs ago I developed tingling pins and needles in my left arm hand and elbow area and numbness. I had to file workers comp at the time as the company we were only accepted DRs note if it was through their drs. Test were run and I did light PT to strength my wrist area. Nothing could be done for the pain other then I couldn't check anymore back to back and could do most 6 hr shifts. I lost 3% strength perminately grip wise. Anyway we were bought out by another grocery store and we ended up with beer/wine department. PA ass backwards so only certain registers could purchase alcohol. The pandemic and then the holiday season literally fucked up my arm again. Instead of being an express lane just dealing with people with Alcohol only I became a glorified checker. Around this time I had started produce and started to be used more over there.

Last XMass my arm was absolutely fucked Jan made an appointment to see my primary DR who wrote me out of checking but could do other things at the store in Feb which didn't sit well with a lot of other coworkers and my front end person. My Store Boss was ok. Anyway my notes had to go through the book keeper because she handles pay role and stuff and is the ones who sends these notes to those who need them. She gave me a hard time about it, kept insisting notes and wanted to talk to my dr which I did allow her to do as I figured it would help me and she could clearly describe to her my situation better then I could. I had called my union because I ended up going to 4 different specialist who can't figure out why my arm hurts from just checking as my test come up clear and nothing is damaged in my arm from X-rays or MRIS ec. My Book keeper was also threatening me with losing hrs with the BS “We might not be able to accommodate your hrs if we don't need you elsewhere.” Anyway I chatted with my Boss and her and I told them I'd give it one last go in checking. My Union boss told me as long as I had a DR not they had to follow it and couldn't fuck with me. I tried it hurt event more

Sept I got a note saying I can't check period do to the injury and permeant damage in my grip. My book keeper accused me of lying to my dr or leading her on which I quickly responded with my Dr shops in here and knows exactly what I do. I had my assistant store manager with me as he's been helping me through the process and is more on the employees side then anyone in management. Always stands up for us.. She asked about getting breaks which I told her no longer was an option for me to get either. I agreed to that day to finish my beer and wine shift help when needed and get the break but after that I was done. She also insisted on speaking to my DR again which I'm refusing to do as my right plus she accused me of lying which I can get her in trouble with.

About 2 weeks ago I was asked to do the Beer and wine break do to some issues I told the person up there who wasn't informed I couldn't do it. My Backup book keeper who's nice told me later she talked to the book keeper who said I could do breaks. Thought nothing of this as I figured “maybe she meant or was thinking of a time before I gave my last note?” nope yesterday comes around my book keeper asks me to get the beer and win break which she told me we agreed too. I told her that we never agreed to it. She said she'd talk to my store manager but I guess she never did.

You're probably wondering why my Store Manager isn't involved it's because he hates confrontation and lets the bookkeeper do most of the things he's scared of. He's a Company kiss ass but won't get into confrontations and the minute you fight back he won't go further. Either way this issue hasn't stopped. Thinking of talking to y Store Manager tomorrow about it this and tell him this is borderline harassment. My Union rep told me as long as I had a note it must be followed and she's questioning it and accusing me of lying. I'll tell him I'll give him a chance to sort it out because we both would rather keep this in house then have me start calling the UNION HR and anyone else if I have too. I also should add I'm a highly Functional autistic person with Aspergers so as a Last resort I can throw the disabilities card into the mix but I try to never use it unless it's a last resort. I haven't used it in yrs actually. I know he hates having others involved outside so I think just politely letting him know this would be good.

Also the reason they don't have anyone is because you got to be 21 in PA and RAMP certified. My backup book keeper and beer/Wine department manager are best friends and go on break together so I always would get fucked when doing other things to get her break and then I wouldn't get a break or Id have to stay extra and god forbid have the vaunted OT. Just sick of this crap at this point. Honestly if I had something better work wise right now I'd quit but obviously with my autism and now the arm issue I do need my benefits.

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