
My boomer grandparents refused to sue BK bc their lawyer told them it would affect the price of the food.

Not sure if this is allowed here so lmk and I will remove if not. So I found out today that my boomer Grandfather fell on ice leaving a BK this last winter. He is still recovering from a broken ankle and concussion. He's over 80 and in rapid decline of health. A BK lawyer showed up and spoke with my grandfather, he told my grandfather that if he sued BK, the price of the food would go up and would probably shut the BK down. He went on to say that my grandfather should have used the drive through instead of walking into the diner because the sidewalks were not shoveled/iced and would use it to prove negligence on his side. My grandfather received medical attention due to his injuries through his private medical insurance. He told the lawyer he wanted to be good and wouldn't sue. I explained…

Not sure if this is allowed here so lmk and I will remove if not.

So I found out today that my boomer Grandfather fell on ice leaving a BK this last winter. He is still recovering from a broken ankle and concussion. He's over 80 and in rapid decline of health.

A BK lawyer showed up and spoke with my grandfather, he told my grandfather that if he sued BK, the price of the food would go up and would probably shut the BK down. He went on to say that my grandfather should have used the drive through instead of walking into the diner because the sidewalks were not shoveled/iced and would use it to prove negligence on his side.

My grandfather received medical attention due to his injuries through his private medical insurance. He told the lawyer he wanted to be good and wouldn't sue.

I explained to him how a multi-billion dollar corporation could afford to be sued due to their negligence and just because he went into the diner bc he wanted some social interaction would not be considered negligence on his part. He refused to do anything about it because he didn't want to cause trouble. He refuses physical therapy because it's too much work.

Why are boomers so dense?


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