
My boomer parents vs me vainly trying

My parents bought a new house with like 25 rooms, I counted it myself. It even has an indoor fucking pool and other stuff. Meanwhile I'm renting a mere room in the city centre, it has pests and bugs, it's old as fuck, i have to share this amazing experience with 2 other people i dont care about and even this is ruining me financially and mentally as some bitch can have a permanent vacation on some tropical island just from our rents that we have to work hard for. When I pay my parents a visit my dad fucking chirps about how he loves the distinct 4 colors of bushes/trees that he sees from his stupid ass window to the garden and all i can reply is a sad “hm”. I asked my mom how much rent she paid when she was young and when i did the math…

My parents bought a new house with like 25 rooms, I counted it myself. It even has an indoor fucking pool and other stuff. Meanwhile I'm renting a mere room in the city centre, it has pests and bugs, it's old as fuck, i have to share this amazing experience with 2 other people i dont care about and even this is ruining me financially and mentally as some bitch can have a permanent vacation on some tropical island just from our rents that we have to work hard for. When I pay my parents a visit my dad fucking chirps about how he loves the distinct 4 colors of bushes/trees that he sees from his stupid ass window to the garden and all i can reply is a sad “hm”. I asked my mom how much rent she paid when she was young and when i did the math it was 2% of her income, and her income was super average, everyone had the same wage back then. They really have no fucking clue and I can't count how many times I talked about this with them, and absolutely nothing in their behavior has changed since then. This is destroying me mentally.

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