
My boss accused me of stealing

To preface, I work as a storage unit manager in the US. I'm part time due to taking college classes but I do my best while I'm there. We have a money accepting kiosk that mostly gets used for card payments. Our money system is pretty basic, with the manager of the unit collecting the money and putting it into a threefold invoice for that day. Then one of the couriers will swing by and pick it up for the main office to deposit. So, as the title says,but boss called me yesterday while I was in and told me a significant amount of money was missing from a slip. When I asked which day, he said it was more than three weeks old. He then asks me to wrack my brain to figure out what happened to it. Naturally I'm pissed. I pride myself on accuracy. Why the hell…

To preface, I work as a storage unit manager in the US. I'm part time due to taking college classes but I do my best while I'm there. We have a money accepting kiosk that mostly gets used for card payments.

Our money system is pretty basic, with the manager of the unit collecting the money and putting it into a threefold invoice for that day. Then one of the couriers will swing by and pick it up for the main office to deposit.

So, as the title says,but boss called me yesterday while I was in and told me a significant amount of money was missing from a slip. When I asked which day, he said it was more than three weeks old. He then asks me to wrack my brain to figure out what happened to it.

Naturally I'm pissed. I pride myself on accuracy. Why the hell would I steal an entire day's deposit and send it to a bunch of accountants who'll see the issue like a hawk. And then there's the fact that it took them almost a month to get the deposit dealt with and who knows who else might have touched it.

So, closer to the end of my shift, my boss calls back and asks if there's anything I can recall from the day I took the money out. I explain what I did that day, who grabbed the deposits, and insisted again I didn't do anything. He then says I need to work with the courier (which, side note, is one of the company owner's kids) and “figure out how to make up the difference.”

What do I do? I already plan on going to HR on Tuesday about what's happening but I'm not sure if there's anything else I should do. Help?

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