
My boss accused me of stealing time, am I missing something?

She has made alot of comments to me over the last few months that really made no sense to me. Just over the last few days she has started making me send in a daily report of everything I do down to the like minute. So I noted my breaks and lunch. I take two 15 minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch. I start work at 9am and finish at 6pm. Am I missing something here? She said I'm not working my full 40 hours and she is ready to write me up. Because I'm taking “1 1/2 hours breaks every day”. I expressed to her I am taking 1 hour lunch and 2 – 15 minute breaks every day. The company allows for 2 PAID 15 minute breaks every 4 hours worked. So am I missing something in my math? Originally I was working 8am to 5:30 with…

She has made alot of comments to me over the last few months that really made no sense to me. Just over the last few days she has started making me send in a daily report of everything I do down to the like minute. So I noted my breaks and lunch. I take two 15 minute breaks and a 1 hour lunch.

I start work at 9am and finish at 6pm. Am I missing something here? She said I'm not working my full 40 hours and she is ready to write me up. Because I'm taking “1 1/2 hours breaks every day”. I expressed to her I am taking 1 hour lunch and 2 – 15 minute breaks every day. The company allows for 2 PAID 15 minute breaks every 4 hours worked. So am I missing something in my math?

Originally I was working 8am to 5:30 with a half hour lunch, but she told me then I had to take an hour lunch and work until 6pm and should be starting at 9. So I'm totally lost but it sounds like she expects me to work an extra 30 minute every day because my “breaks” are not paid time, even though I confirmed in our employee handbook.

I am going to have to go to HR, but really wanted to be sure I was thinking about it right first and wasn't like missing something obvious. I've never had this much focus put on my hours on a salaried job. Especially when I usually start 30 minute early and stay when I need to stay.

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