
My boss asked me to wait for my grandmother to die before I took my bereavement leave

Well, It wasn’t even bereavement leave because that wasn’t a benefit, and they didn’t offer any insurance (dead end job). This job was in Arkansas (I was there for college and working) My family was in Illinois. My grandmother passed away March of 2020(This was right before COVID). She was a third parent to me, moved in with our family after grandpa died, and I was about 4 months old. My grandma was a champ! She has multiple heart attacks and strokes, but she still pushed along. One day, I got a call from my mom that my grandmother had a massive stroke that left her brain dead. We were going to put her in hospice. I was asked to come home to be with her. Ofc I would go home. When I told my boss, he said to me “well, if she’s in hospice, can’t you wait for her…

Well, It wasn’t even bereavement leave because that wasn’t a benefit, and they didn’t offer any insurance (dead end job). This job was in Arkansas (I was there for college and working) My family was in Illinois.

My grandmother passed away March of 2020(This was right before COVID). She was a third parent to me, moved in with our family after grandpa died, and I was about 4 months old.

My grandma was a champ! She has multiple heart attacks and strokes, but she still pushed along.

One day, I got a call from my mom that my grandmother had a massive stroke that left her brain dead. We were going to put her in hospice. I was asked to come home to be with her. Ofc I would go home.

When I told my boss, he said to me “well, if she’s in hospice, can’t you wait for her to pass before going home? its not like she’ll know if you’re there or not”

I told him that I wasn’t asking to leave, I’m letting him know I’m leaving. He told me that he has a stack full of resumes he can pick from if I leave him like that. I told him to start calling. Then COVID hit and I worked from home. Best decision I made for myself

TLDR: my employer asked me to wait for my grandma to die before going home to see her bc he needed me at work. I quit on the spot

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