
My boss asked me to wear makeup to work, but she doesn’t pay me enough to go through the hassle of wearing makeup

I work full time at a local boutique. Been there for 5 months now. The pay is peanuts, it allows me to survive and pay rent, but my living situation continues to be unbearable and uncomfortable , living paycheck to paycheck, in a neighbourhood that is riddled with problems of addiction and homelessness. The whole scene here sinking me even further into depression. I also got diagnosed with clinical depression recently. This means that getting out of bed each day, and then finding the will to live, and going to work is hard enough. I try and look as presentable as one possibly can. I have managed to have a nice curated wardrobe, thanks to my thrifting skills. And I don't really wear makeup that much on a daily basis. Maybe for selfies, and maybe for when I'm going out with friends. But with depression, even that is becoming rarer.…

I work full time at a local boutique. Been there for 5 months now. The pay is peanuts, it allows me to survive and pay rent, but my living situation continues to be unbearable and uncomfortable , living paycheck to paycheck, in a neighbourhood that is riddled with problems of addiction and homelessness. The whole scene here sinking me even further into depression.

I also got diagnosed with clinical depression recently. This means that getting out of bed each day, and then finding the will to live, and going to work is hard enough.

I try and look as presentable as one possibly can. I have managed to have a nice curated wardrobe, thanks to my thrifting skills. And I don't really wear makeup that much on a daily basis. Maybe for selfies, and maybe for when I'm going out with friends. But with depression, even that is becoming rarer.

And now I am asked to muster the strength and enthusiasm to wear makeup every day to work? To do so when I find it hard enough to get out of bed? Being demanded by a boss who can't even pay me enough to move out of an extremely unsafe neighborhood, because I could only afford renting here for the time being.

But fuck it, I can't be bothered to wear makeup and I won't be bothered, to wear makeup. And she can just kinda deal with it, or pay me an actual living wage.

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