
my boss at Amazon got mad when I told him that we should get paid more for doing ‘rescue missions’

He basically told me that if I have to receive bonus pay for rescuing a fellow driver then I am not a team player and don't value the company. That is complete utter bullocks let me tell you why. A rescue mission is where you go and help a driver by picking up some of their packages after you get done with your route. What Amazon does is already pay you for the full 10 hour shift when you get done with your route. They call this efficiency pay but there are rules and regulations required in order to get efficiency pay and rescue missions were one of them. Amazon tried this bullshit with me so many times where I would rush to get done so I could get out early and enjoy the rest of my day. But if I got done too early they would almost always send…

He basically told me that if I have to receive bonus pay for rescuing a fellow driver then I am not a team player and don't value the company. That is complete utter bullocks let me tell you why.

A rescue mission is where you go and help a driver by picking up some of their packages after you get done with your route. What Amazon does is already pay you for the full 10 hour shift when you get done with your route. They call this efficiency pay but there are rules and regulations required in order to get efficiency pay and rescue missions were one of them.

Amazon tried this bullshit with me so many times where I would rush to get done so I could get out early and enjoy the rest of my day. But if I got done too early they would almost always send me to go do a fucken rescue mission. All I wanted was just to get out a little bit earlier to go hangout with friends or whatever it was I wanted to do.. So I would hurry and bust my ass off, literally running back and forth, huffing and puffing, sweating my ass off etc just so Amazon could bend me over and tell me they needed me to go do a rescue mission! Every stinken time and I would do it because if I didn't then I wouldn't get the efficiency pay.

So I told my boss that we should get paid some kind of bonus cause it would also give every one an incentive to do it. Because everyone hated doing it and alot of times they would go slower and would end up having to get rescued. The whole system was flawed in my opinion. And every other mail delivery service does pay their workers extra when they complete their route. Amazon is the only company that doesn't!

So my boss straight up told me I was not a team player and didn't value the company. I got pissed off when he said that and after that I never cared for Amazon the same since. They are exploiting their workers by giving workers as many stops and packages as they can while not increasing their pay and keeping them around poverty wages or should I say just slightly above them. They pay 17 an hour when most places are starting at 15 an hour. They also have the most stops and packages to do out of every other delivery service and they get paid the least amount!

So yea fuck Amazon I am done with them I been with them for a year now and I'm over it. I want everyone to know that Amazon sucks and don't work there. There work ethic is shit and they don't care they only care about the customer at the expense of the employee. So I say fuck it let them burn to the ground, boycott them sons of bitches. And fuck Jeff bezo and his bald ass penis looking head bro

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