
My boss came in sick. Now I’m sick for my three day weekend.

On Thursday/Friday my boss was coughing everywhere while he was sat beside me. I asked him why he had come in sick, and he goes “Oh don't worry it's not covid”… Wow, thanks, so the sickness you're giving me due to your own selfishness isn't Covid. Good to know. Now I'm spending my three day weekend miserable, hacking and coughing. The entirety of my bosses job can be done remotely. Fuck my life.

On Thursday/Friday my boss was coughing everywhere while he was sat beside me. I asked him why he had come in sick, and he goes “Oh don't worry it's not covid”…
Wow, thanks, so the sickness you're giving me due to your own selfishness isn't Covid. Good to know.

Now I'm spending my three day weekend miserable, hacking and coughing.

The entirety of my bosses job can be done remotely. Fuck my life.

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