
My boss compared logging into to several websites and programs to begin my work day to taking a shower before work. (Wage Theft)

I want to start off by saying I'm aware this sub has become anbundant with stories of people thinking their boss is a dick for whatever petty nonsense they want to do, but I want to make it clear this post is about a legitamate reason to hate your boss. Wage Theft The form of wage theft I experience in my current position is one that is all too familiar for anyone working remotely or in a WFH position. It's the idea held by management, that if your shift starts at 8 you must be online and ready to work and take calls (This is very common I've found in positions that include answering inbound calls). The problem is positions like these often mean needing to be ready to access multiple different sites and programs every day, that you simply are not able to stay logged into beyond your shift…

I want to start off by saying I'm aware this sub has become anbundant with stories of people thinking their boss is a dick for whatever petty nonsense they want to do, but I want to make it clear this post is about a legitamate reason to hate your boss.

Wage Theft

The form of wage theft I experience in my current position is one that is all too familiar for anyone working remotely or in a WFH position. It's the idea held by management, that if your shift starts at 8 you must be online and ready to work and take calls (This is very common I've found in positions that include answering inbound calls). The problem is positions like these often mean needing to be ready to access multiple different sites and programs every day, that you simply are not able to stay logged into beyond your shift and will need to log in at the beginning of your shift, this often can also mean checking your phone for a fresh authenticator code or tapping a push notification to allow access (this isn't exactly an agonizing or long process, but does add to the time needed to set up. All in all I find it can take between 3-5 minutes from opening the laptop, logging in and, ensuring ready access to all of my necessary resources.

Would a reasonable person compare setting up access to multiple sites and programs (that I would never access outside of work hours) to taking a shower in the morning (self care that I would practice of my own free will regardless of my employment status) ? I would think not but this is not the view of the person leading my team who also brought that people who regularly come into their office aren't going to be paid for their commute (which is very much it's own separate issue that should be addressed by the working class as another form of wage theft).

The time I spend out of my day commited to my employer should be paid, every single minute of it. I've begrudgingly accepted through my career that this is the reality of WFH to management, but this needs to be addressed by the many remoted workers that have this time stolen from them. I also want to make it clear that is a more minor form of wage theft and I do not wish to diminish any other form of wage theft that is carried out every single day. At the end 5 minutes or 8 hours is still time you gave to your employer for their benefit and we should not stand for the normalization of wage theft that has become routine for the WFH workforce.

TLDR: Not paying your employee for the time they take to set up their workstation at the start of the work day is wage theft.

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