It wasn’t even my fault. I’ve only been here two months. He used to have three vehicles with a finance company, but he’s down to just one. One his ex partner took when he left, and another got repossessed. I had three invoices with nothing but the account numbers on them. No vehicle description. No VIN number. The old bookkeeper didn’t notate the account numbers so I was at a loss for which to pay.
I tried calling the finance company myself, but I’m not an authorized user. I would have pretended to be but I am a woman, and the account is owned by a man. After weeks of trying to pin him down he finally sat down with me yesterday to make the call. (He was already mad because he thinks I should just handle the bookkeeping without bothering him, which is fair, but I need to be added as an authorized user on the accounts first. I can only do my job as well as the tools I have available.) It just so happened that the first account number I had listed belongs to the truck his former partner has, and they have bad blood. (He has bad blood with legit everyone. Not a single one of his current employees has been here a year, and he claims everyone he fired was stealing)
While we were still on the phone with customer service, and in full view of all my coworkers, he absolutely flipped his shit.
“Why the fuck are you trying to pay for his truck? He doesn’t even work here! We don’t pay for his shit.” He then crumpled up the invoice and threw it at me.
I tried to explain I wasn’t paying the invoice. I only needed to know which account was still active. I attempted to show him that there was no identifying information on the invoice. I was looking for clarification, not to pay. He wasn’t having it and berated me for not knowing already when I have no idea how he expected me to know. His last bookkeeper was here for a decade. I can’t be expected to have the same knowledge on every account that she did after only two months. Especially if you consider it’s like pulling teeth to get what I need to do my job.
I suspect the man is on drugs. Not only does he have a hot temper, he suffers from severe paranoia. He keeps randomly changing my passwords so I can’t access what I need and then gets angry when I can’t log in. He thinks it’s “suspicious” I need Microsoft Office. He thinks Microsoft will block his emails from coming through, or you can use it to spy, so he’ll log me out every couple of days and than yell at me for not having access to the work I’ve done. I can’t tell you how many times he’s told me “I told you to download the files you need to the desktop because I’m turning off Microsoft and you still need to access them”. I’ve tried, and failed, to explain it doesn’t matter where I save them. I need the software to use the docs. Microsoft isn’t a cloud. (Well, OneDrive is but that’s not the main use and we don’t have it activated)
The worst is he had a garnishment hit his bank account and blamed me. I open the mail and had been giving him the demand letters from the lawyers office. Since I know the lawyers were demanding money and also know the bank information the only logical conclusion is that I gave it to them, right? Wrong! It’s a court order! They don’t need bank info because the bank will remove the money themselves. This dude SUSPENDED ME for a day (luckily paid) so he could search my computer for proof.
I am so frustrated that I need this income while I search for another job. Even if I was fucking up, he has no right to raise his voice, cuss, and throw things at me. I nearly started crying during our interaction yesterday but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. I’m about as motivated as a sloth because of it, which is why I showed up an hour late, “forgot” to clock in so I can hand write it later, and have spent my first hour here writing this post. I wish I had a cot in the corner to fall asleep.