
My boss cut my hours….

I work for a small grocery chain here in LA and about a month or two ago my hours were cut in half from around 40 to exactly 20 A week it came with no warning or advanced notice. Originally I was fine since after asking about it my boss told me it was cause i kept going overtime by 30 minutes to an hour each week as well as taking 'long' bathroom breaks, so the store manager decided to reduce my hours. Was never given an end date just that it'd be fixed eventually. Thankfully what i make is enough to pay for my bills and since I live with my mom who makes more than me i have a bit of security if I'm ever short. I know my boss doesn't give a crap since I've given a two week notice and he just told me good luck…

I work for a small grocery chain here in LA and about a month or two ago my hours were cut in half from around 40 to exactly 20
A week it came with no warning or advanced notice. Originally I was fine since after asking about it my boss told me it was cause i kept going overtime by 30 minutes to an hour each week as well as taking 'long' bathroom breaks, so the store manager decided to reduce my hours. Was never given an end date just that it'd be fixed eventually. Thankfully what i make is enough to pay for my bills and since I live with my mom who makes more than me i have a bit of security if I'm ever short. I know my boss doesn't give a crap since I've given a two week notice and he just told me good luck and sent me on my way.Sadly the job was terrible so i had to go back on my notice. Since then my boss has been anal about everything i do from double checking work to making me tell him when I'm going on break or when I have to go to the bathroom something that he doesn't expect with other employees. I work in the meat department as a packer and simply organize the shelves check dates on all products and package the meat that the butchers cut. Is there anything I can do to get my hours back or at least something that can give me assistance..i already submitted a request for Unemployment for the reduced hours and am waiting for a result.

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