
My boss denied me sick time due to my chronic illness. I found a better job and gave her my notice.

So last week, I had to call in sick for two days because I had an endometriosis flare up so severe that I could not stand or walk. All I could do was lay on the couch while my heating pad worked overtime. I barely ate because I could not manage to (literally) crawl to the kitchen for food. I’d just lay there and cry because I was in so much pain. I let my boss know that I couldn’t come in for a second day and she said that it was unacceptable and that I had to be there no matter what. I’m a dental assistant, so my job is extremely physical. I told her firmly that I cannot work when I can’t even stand up. When I returned to the office at the end of the week, still extremely sore and limping, she would not speak to me.…

So last week, I had to call in sick for two days because I had an endometriosis flare up so severe that I could not stand or walk. All I could do was lay on the couch while my heating pad worked overtime. I barely ate because I could not manage to (literally) crawl to the kitchen for food. I’d just lay there and cry because I was in so much pain.

I let my boss know that I couldn’t come in for a second day and she said that it was unacceptable and that I had to be there no matter what. I’m a dental assistant, so my job is extremely physical. I told her firmly that I cannot work when I can’t even stand up. When I returned to the office at the end of the week, still extremely sore and limping, she would not speak to me. I was given a heavier workload than usual as punishment, and my shifts were 10 hours instead of 8 due to the extra work she gave me.

I had such a bad taste in my mouth from her abuse tactics that I applied to jobs last Sunday and ended up having two in person interviews and three phone interviews the next day. By Monday evening, I was given an offer by another dental office for a business assistant. The job is not nearly as physical as my current one, I’ll get better benefits and even a raise.

I gave her my notice on Wednesday, and she lost her shit. Yelling and screaming at me, telling me I had no right to look for another job. I also handed her my resignation letter, and I haven’t spoken to her since.

She can go get fucked. I am so thankful I was firm with taking time for my body to heal, and advocating for my health. I don’t think I’d be getting this new job had she not reacted that way. Her disgusting behavior gave me the ambition to get the fuck out of there.

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