
My boss did this shit to me, what is going on?

Hello, I was working 20 hours when I started at this company, however I had started working 32 hours because responsibility came up and I moved in with someone and got married. I have been working at this company for 7 years now. Always loyal and running for them or staying overtime sometimes working 16 hours in a day.. Anyway so I decided that some small things were happening but I did not let it bother me I had made a request that I need more hours because I could not work 20 hours since I could not live on 17k a year as I am now married. They told me they would look into it.. well 2 people requested 40 hours and they been working 6 months got the request in 4 days. I shrugged it off and did not worry and bother them. I was finally given 40…

I was working 20 hours when I started at this company, however I had started working 32 hours because responsibility came up and I moved in with someone and got married.

I have been working at this company for 7 years now. Always loyal and running for them or staying overtime sometimes working 16 hours in a day..

Anyway so I decided that some small things were happening but I did not let it bother me I had made a request that I need more hours because I could not work 20 hours since I could not live on 17k a year as I am now married. They told me they would look into it.. well 2 people requested 40 hours and they been working 6 months got the request in 4 days. I shrugged it off and did not worry and bother them.

I was finally given 40 hours and I was all happy and set. Was working 40 hours for about a month. But than I get a phone call from my boss who tells me they need to cut down my hours again to 20 hours a week because they have someone working (he has only been working there 3 months) that wants to work during the day and unfortunately it will take my schedule as well. So they will have to give it to him.

I finally put my foot down and said no, this is ridiculous, why is it that I cannot get my hours, but they expect me to do management work, check on the team and work only 20 hours a week while everyone else gets less stuff to do but works more hours.

My boss shrugged it off, and I told him that I will be finding a second job than to help with my hours.

I than call his boss and let him know the situation and he freaks out saying this is crazy what they are asking me. He said he will find a solution for me.

Well my boss calls me after all mad saying I went over his head and I should of been happy with what was given to me, now he will have to do more work because of me.

What is your advice on this?

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