
My boss didn’t know the difference between earl gray and black tea

I don’t fucking get it. Context: work at a cafe. Mf has the gaul to pay me only slightly above minimum wage and go on a rant about how expensive the “earl gray brand” (his words not mine) when its “just black tea”. Had to explain to the boomer that there is a difference between the two, and that no, there is no “earl gray brand” and that their is in fact a difference. For those who don’t know: earl gray is a TYPE of black tea infused with oils that makes it have a smokey taste. Black tea is just plain black tea. I don’t understand. Why doesn’t he know this? Hes been running this shop for decades but the fucker doesn’t even know his product. He doesn’t know how to run the counter. He doesn’t know what we even do. If you ask me, I think this kind…

I don’t fucking get it. Context: work at a cafe. Mf has the gaul to pay me only slightly above minimum wage and go on a rant about how expensive the “earl gray brand” (his words not mine) when its “just black tea”. Had to explain to the boomer that there is a difference between the two, and that no, there is no “earl gray brand” and that their is in fact a difference. For those who don’t know: earl gray is a TYPE of black tea infused with oils that makes it have a smokey taste. Black tea is just plain black tea.
I don’t understand. Why doesn’t he know this? Hes been running this shop for decades but the fucker doesn’t even know his product. He doesn’t know how to run the counter. He doesn’t know what we even do. If you ask me, I think this kind of shit NEEDS TO BE KNOWN BY THE OWNER if you want to own a business.

Sorry for this ranty bullshit, and I do apologize if this is the wrong sub to post it in. I want to know if anyone else hates this? Does anyone else experience it?

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