
My boss “Doesn’t Know Me Professionally.”

Just asked my boss if he would act as a reference for a few jobs that I’m applying to at the moment. I was in complete shock when he responded that he “doesn’t know me professionally,” so he will not provide a reference for me. I would expect this from a job that I haven’t been at for a long time, but I have been in the position for over a year. On top of this, I have monthly performance reviews with said boss, and I’m frequently told by him and my supervisors what an amazing job I am doing. So tell me again how you don’t know me professionally when you have been monitoring and providing feedback on my work for over 1 year? Im so tired of giving my all to companies and having it be completely disregarded.

Just asked my boss if he would act as a reference for a few jobs that I’m applying to at the moment. I was in complete shock when he responded that he “doesn’t know me professionally,” so he will not provide a reference for me.

I would expect this from a job that I haven’t been at for a long time, but I have been in the position for over a year. On top of this, I have monthly performance reviews with said boss, and I’m frequently told by him and my supervisors what an amazing job I am doing. So tell me again how you don’t know me professionally when you have been monitoring and providing feedback on my work for over 1 year?

Im so tired of giving my all to companies and having it be completely disregarded.

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