
My boss falsely accused me of slander

So our store has been having issues with our manager for aaaages now and we finally as a staff took a list of issues to our area manager. Less than a week after that was handed in, so get called to the office and told “an anonymous complaint” has come in and that it basically amounts to me “slandering the company.” He refused to show me the complaint or give me any details on it because “HR wants to keep it anonymous.” He also then jumped to justifying the issues we gave our area manager, trying to claim none of the issues we had were “that bad” So I got ahold of our area manager and spoke with her, turns out the “complaint” was an email sent to her and him that said head office had heard I was upset and wanted him to talk to me. Nothing about slander,…

So our store has been having issues with our manager for aaaages now and we finally as a staff took a list of issues to our area manager. Less than a week after that was handed in, so get called to the office and told “an anonymous complaint” has come in and that it basically amounts to me “slandering the company.” He refused to show me the complaint or give me any details on it because “HR wants to keep it anonymous.”

He also then jumped to justifying the issues we gave our area manager, trying to claim none of the issues we had were “that bad”

So I got ahold of our area manager and spoke with her, turns out the “complaint” was an email sent to her and him that said head office had heard I was upset and wanted him to talk to me. Nothing about slander, no specifics to draw that conclusion off of and no instructions to claim slander on behalf of the company. She also told me she didn’t tell him that I brought issues to him but that she noticed these issues in her own supervision of him.

So now I’m left to wonder, do I ruin this man’s career by notifying head office he’s making legal claims on behalf of the company and retaliating against staff when they bring issues with his performance forward.

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