
My boss freaked out on me for a paper with a single crinkle in it

We work in a kitchen and he decided to wait until all staff except for him, our training managers and myself to leave prior to doing it. (This has been happening for weeks) Critiqued our training managers (who have seniority over him) over their speaking voices and then called me out for a single crinkle on an inventory sheet saying that it wasn’t professional and then proceeded to list out my employee contract to me. In response I told him that I have been saving all of his messages for weeks, sending them to the owner and that I am so tired of being called lazy, shit, or inexperienced just because of one little thing every single day. I am a store manager… I developed a fucking website/app over the course of a weekend for this company… something he has no idea how to do and that is far and…

We work in a kitchen and he decided to wait until all staff except for him, our training managers and myself to leave prior to doing it. (This has been happening for weeks)

Critiqued our training managers (who have seniority over him) over their speaking voices and then called me out for a single crinkle on an inventory sheet saying that it wasn’t professional and then proceeded to list out my employee contract to me.

In response I told him that I have been saving all of his messages for weeks, sending them to the owner and that I am so tired of being called lazy, shit, or inexperienced just because of one little thing every single day.

I am a store manager… I developed a fucking website/app over the course of a weekend for this company… something he has no idea how to do and that is far and away above my pay grade / job description as well as during my own personal time.

He consistently talks shit about other staff behind their backs and cusses up a storm yet has the audacity to console me on using the “fuck” word in response to him demeaning me. I literally said “oh my fucking god” and he goes “it is not professional for a manager to curse” so I told him that it’s entirely unfair to call me out for cursing under duress when he consistently talks vulgarly about other staff to which he replied “that is a blatant lie and I cannot believe that someone with as little experience as you could plot to overtake me from day one.”

He went on to list pizza parties and work information support as his reason he doesn’t have to be a nicer less micromanaging person. Pizza that the company payed for and I picked up with my own gas…

I didn’t plot shit, I planned to work and help operate a business, not be shit-on on a daily basis.

Dude even hired a minor and had them work without permits and rather than have said minor stop working immediately, he had the minor work the rest of the day and venmoed him.

Everyone else in our company is amazing, even the owners… but him… he’s another beast entirely.

To top all of this off, I have been with this company for a little under 2 months… he has been behaving like this since week 2.

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