
my boss gets called out

So I work I work in manufacturing and it's a pretty technical job due to all of the computers, valves, different processes etc. I recently got moved to a new building it's taking me stupid long to learn the damn job. Mostly because the guys I work with don't put effort into my training. Except one guy who is a really good teacher. We were working together the other day. He told me to do one half of the job, he would do the other and he would come back to check what I did right and wrong. About 30 seconds in my boss comes over and basically does everything for me (he loves to micromanage). My coworker came back and was surprised that I “got everything right.” I explained to him that our boss actually did all of the work. He immediately got pissed off. We finished up and…

So I work I work in manufacturing and it's a pretty technical job due to all of the computers, valves, different processes etc. I recently got moved to a new building it's taking me stupid long to learn the damn job. Mostly because the guys I work with don't put effort into my training.

Except one guy who is a really good teacher. We were working together the other day. He told me to do one half of the job, he would do the other and he would come back to check what I did right and wrong. About 30 seconds in my boss comes over and basically does everything for me (he loves to micromanage). My coworker came back and was surprised that I “got everything right.” I explained to him that our boss actually did all of the work.

He immediately got pissed off. We finished up and when we went back to the office my coworker went right up to our boss and said “So next time I try to teach redditboi, are you going to let him learn or just keep doing all the work for him? And you wonder why he won't learn.”

I immediately started laughing until I saw how serious their faces were, I got very uncomfortable. They stared at each other in silence for what felt like eternity. My boss shrugged it off and said “yeah you're right.”

It's so annoying. He's a great guy and really fun to work with, but his managing style is a nightmare. The man will make me work a week and a half then give me one day off on a monday or tuesday. He will tell me to come in at 4 or 5 am as I'm leaving the night before or tell me to stay another couple hours as I'm leaving.

My coworkers are great, but I need to gtfo of here!

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