
My boss got burnt by FTX and is trying to force my colleagues and I to quit.

Hello Everyone , Last week I found out that my colleagues and I were going to get laid off by end of the year or so as my boss had burnt through the company’s trading account because of FTX. However, since then, he is making our lives miserable to get us to quit voluntarily. We have been assigned menial tasks and tasks which are impossible to complete (imagine running things in many many nested loops). He’s also finding fault in us even when there’s nothing done wrong or even if the matter does not concern us. If we quit voluntarily, he wouldn’t have to pay us our severance package. All the more why he’s making our lives miserable now. I have been applying and interviewing for jobs but don’t think I can stomach this any longer just to get my severance benefits. Should I just take the plunge and quit…

Hello Everyone ,

Last week I found out that my colleagues and I were going to get laid off by end of the year or so as my boss had burnt through the company’s trading account because of FTX. However, since then, he is making our lives miserable to get us to quit voluntarily. We have been assigned menial tasks and tasks which are impossible to complete (imagine running things in many many nested loops). He’s also finding fault in us even when there’s nothing done wrong or even if the matter does not concern us.

If we quit voluntarily, he wouldn’t have to pay us our severance package. All the more why he’s making our lives miserable now.

I have been applying and interviewing for jobs but don’t think I can stomach this any longer just to get my severance benefits. Should I just take the plunge and quit (even though that meant giving into him)? Or should I just wait it out even though it is driving me nuts and giving me high levels of anxiety and stress just to get through each work day?

Any replies and suggestions will be appreciated

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