
My boss had me do landscaping for the company building. I’m an AV Tech. and Graphic Designer.

I was hired on as a part time graphic designer. After about 6 months they offered me full time and salary pay to join the AV installation team to fill the rest of the 40 hours in my week. Today I was tasked with working outside in 95 degree weather, dressed in black jeans and completely unprepared for the assignment. I sorted through large branches, cut and tied them, and readied them for recycling. This is not what I signed up for, is this even legal? I was actually pealed away from designing an ad for our website by the owner of the company. I'm sweaty and I'm passed. Legal advice is appreciated. Thanks for listening.

I was hired on as a part time graphic designer. After about 6 months they offered me full time and salary pay to join the AV installation team to fill the rest of the 40 hours in my week. Today I was tasked with working outside in 95 degree weather, dressed in black jeans and completely unprepared for the assignment. I sorted through large branches, cut and tied them, and readied them for recycling. This is not what I signed up for, is this even legal? I was actually pealed away from designing an ad for our website by the owner of the company. I'm sweaty and I'm passed. Legal advice is appreciated. Thanks for listening.

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