
My boss has accusations of sexual harassment and nobody in the company cares

I am 22 and got my first job out of college just over 6 months ago at a small marketing firm. So far, I hate it. I am trying to fill out my year here to get experience. The main thing I hate it that I’m required to come into the office 5 days a week and I’m paid $47k, which I found out in the lowest paid employee in the company. It’s partially my fault for accepting such a low salary but I was desperate and didn’t factor in just how much taxes would take. I am not eligible for a raise for at least 8 months and it would probably be a small one at best. Since then, the workload has gotten higher and higher as more people quit. The owner of the company is a cheapskate who refuses to compensate us for extra work or hire new…

I am 22 and got my first job out of college just over 6 months ago at a small marketing firm. So far, I hate it. I am trying to fill out my year here to get experience. The main thing I hate it that I’m required to come into the office 5 days a week and I’m paid $47k, which I found out in the lowest paid employee in the company. It’s partially my fault for accepting such a low salary but I was desperate and didn’t factor in just how much taxes would take. I am not eligible for a raise for at least 8 months and it would probably be a small one at best. Since then, the workload has gotten higher and higher as more people quit. The owner of the company is a cheapskate who refuses to compensate us for extra work or hire new people. My boss (company owner) is also a micromanager.

I am already beginning the job search, looking for remote jobs in my field. I also am focusing more on my side hussle in my free time, I want to do Etsy.

Anyways, my boss (58M) has been accused of sexual harassment multiple times and some of his behavior worries me. He always glances me up and down when I come into the office and I have stopped wearing makeup or doing my hair nice. I wear very loose clothing now. I want to “ugly myself up” as much as possible and I have definitely gotten less attention. When I started, he asked if I had a boyfriend which I lied and said yes.

We had a new female employee come into the team a few months back and she lasted 2 weeks. I overheard the HR call. The boss took her out to lunch and apparently told her things like:

• “You know, I’m not really attracted to my wife ever since the big change (menopause) happened. She doesn’t give it up so easily anymore.”

• He told her she has beautiful eyes

• He told her that he typically goes for women more her type (she’s 33)

This woman quit and hired a lawyer.
The marketing director has said that he also overheard him say similar things to the HR lady so he knows it’s true. The boss mostly hires women. And only attractive women at that. Because it’s his company, there’s very few checks and balances in place and people don’t care. The HR lady told him to stop doing closed door meeting but he did not listen. People aren’t really willing to tell me much about the details but it’s really easy to eavesdrop in a 2,000 square foot office.

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