
My boss has become abusive. I have some higher ups in the company on my side, but I fear they won’t do much about my boss.

Boss has started saying that I am responsible for finding my own work. I work for a large government contractor, so it’s not like it’s commission based. My boss is supposed to find work for me to do. Boss has also started implying that my position is at stake if I can’t find more work. Boss has implied that I’m a space-cadet dumbass who probably will drive anyone willing to give me work away because of said dumbass-ness. Additionally, boss has straight up told a coworker of mine that everybody hates them and that they are the laziest of all the employees, which just isn’t true. I have some higher ups who care about what happens to me, but I just don’t see anything happening to my boss. At this point I’m looking to work in a different group because I cannot stand being in this group any longer. The…

Boss has started saying that I am responsible for finding my own work. I work for a large government contractor, so it’s not like it’s commission based. My boss is supposed to find work for me to do. Boss has also started implying that my position is at stake if I can’t find more work. Boss has implied that I’m a space-cadet dumbass who probably will drive anyone willing to give me work away because of said dumbass-ness. Additionally, boss has straight up told a coworker of mine that everybody hates them and that they are the laziest of all the employees, which just isn’t true.

I have some higher ups who care about what happens to me, but I just don’t see anything happening to my boss. At this point I’m looking to work in a different group because I cannot stand being in this group any longer. The company is huge, like I said, so I’d be able to avoid working with Boss if I move.

Anyways I’m going to HR along with my coworker, but again, not sure much will happen since boss is going to retire soon. This sucks.

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