
My boss has been shorting commission, help!

Ok Reddit. I need help for how to beat approach this situation. I'm a non-confrontational person, so I don't know how to approach this without sounding greedy or accusatory. For reference, if I generate over 5x my base pay, I get 22% of that excess. I never double checked the numbers because I didn't know how to run reports. I recently found out how to run reports, and unless I'm running them wrong (which I could be), I'm being shorted $5-10k per year. In addition, last year my boss gave me a $1000 end of year bonus on my end of the year paycheck, but she forgot to include my $1072 production bonus, which I only just noticed now (9 months later). I know, how did I not know? I had a lot going on at that time and just forgot to check. Last year I made $15k less than…

Ok Reddit. I need help for how to beat approach this situation. I'm a non-confrontational person, so I don't know how to approach this without sounding greedy or accusatory.

For reference, if I generate over 5x my base pay, I get 22% of that excess. I never double checked the numbers because I didn't know how to run reports. I recently found out how to run reports, and unless I'm running them wrong (which I could be), I'm being shorted $5-10k per year. In addition, last year my boss gave me a $1000 end of year bonus on my end of the year paycheck, but she forgot to include my $1072 production bonus, which I only just noticed now (9 months later). I know, how did I not know? I had a lot going on at that time and just forgot to check.

Last year I made $15k less than the year before, which was weird because the practice made more AND I'm the only full time practitioner (other person only works 2 days/week). It just doesn't make sense.

I have a lot of anxiety approaching my boss. I don't want to sound accusatory, but I'm also worried that I'm getting underpaid. I don't want to sound greedy either, as I'm already paid higher production than is standard (but my benefits are trash, so it evens out). I definitely NEED to approach her about this (as if I'm write, that's a huge amount of money), it's just how? If I'm wrong, I don't want to sour our relationship. And do you think I should still has for that $1072 even though it was from 9 months ago?

There's also a lot on my plate as the only full time practitioner. Boss can't talk on the phone due to a hearing impairment, so sometimes I call her cases. She can also never call my cases when I'm off, so if something is urgent, I have to call on my day off. I was also sick for 2 weeks recently, and she was overwhelmed at covering my shifts, and she asked me to log in and work remotely and call clients daily (I was not compensated for this). I get it, working overtime to cover someone sucks, and I wanted to be a team player, but it's also not my fault how she chose to structure her business model to rely mostly on me.

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