
My boss has denied me full time for the third time.

I love this job, its easy, the co workers are mostly cool. However everytime a full time position has opened up whether the person quit or got fired, I have asked to take their place. (Literally same job.) First time he made the other part timer full time. I was okay then because I assumed he asked first. The second time he just straight up hired a new full time person. This time he fired a full time person, I heard him yesterday talking about hiring another person so I went asked again to be brought up. My boss straight up lied to my face yesterday and today saying that theirs not enough in the budget and that he would have to look into it. Man you just fired a full timer plus today told us to transfer a specific guy to you if he he is a potential…

I love this job, its easy, the co workers are mostly cool. However everytime a full time position has opened up whether the person quit or got fired, I have asked to take their place. (Literally same job.) First time he made the other part timer full time.

I was okay then because I assumed he asked first.
The second time he just straight up hired a new full time person.

This time he fired a full time person, I heard him yesterday talking about hiring another person so I went asked again to be brought up.

My boss straight up lied to my face yesterday and today saying that theirs not enough in the budget and that he would have to look into it.

Man you just fired a full timer plus today told us to transfer a specific guy to you if he he is a potential replacement.

I’m just planning on quitting tomorrow and applying over the weekend.

I have worked here for a year and a half and I know for a certain their is no advancement.

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