
my boss is a bitch

Several things she has said/done -When I was new she called me into her office and asked if there was something wrong with my brain. Mind you I was still getting used to making notes on everything and anything. – She told a potential client that I didn’t have brain cells. – Used to get into shouting matches with a co worker that isn’t there anymore. – Forced me to attend a zoom meeting during my lunch which was not a work requirement. It was done for fun while our branches were closed during Covid. She got upset when I told her that if she really wanted me to attend then I would be taking my actual lunch 30 minutes early since she wasn’t willing to give me a paid lunch. – We never take our breaks and is constantly pestering us during our lunch because she insist on having…

Several things she has said/done

-When I was new she called me into her office and asked if there was something wrong with my brain. Mind you I was still getting used to making notes on everything and anything.
– She told a potential client that I didn’t have brain cells.
– Used to get into shouting matches with a co worker that isn’t there anymore.
– Forced me to attend a zoom meeting during my lunch which was not a work requirement. It was done for fun while our branches were closed during Covid. She got upset when I told her that if she really wanted me to attend then I would be taking my actual lunch 30 minutes early since she wasn’t willing to give me a paid lunch.
– We never take our breaks and is constantly pestering us during our lunch because she insist on having clients in our office for a lunch meeting smack dab in the middle of our lunch.
– Just yesterday she was trying to force me to go to a family picnic for our region. Mind you is for fun. Not a paid work event.

Mind you she has always given me high marks on my reviews so It’s not me. I do my work and she knows it but she’s a bitch. I’ve just had enough and needed to rant somewhere. I’m giving my notice in January and can’t wait.

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