
My boss is abusive and says he won’t change

Said that if I or someone else have a problem, they can get the fuck out. I have been working with the company for 19 months, out of those, 10 months I worked in an office by myself until I was recruited to start another division of the company. It’s the worst mistake I’ve made in my entire life. He offered me a salary and said we’d work a lot, for the first 4 months I was the only employee with him and his brother and I had to literally clean after them, even if it wasn’t my mess, I was overworked to the point of being at the company 7 days a week. After 6 months, they finally hired someone new, and the new employee lasted 30 days cause he grew sick and tired of this person’s way of working. He makes you feel like you need to do…

Said that if I or someone else have a problem, they can get the fuck out. I have been working with the company for 19 months, out of those, 10 months I worked in an office by myself until I was recruited to start another division of the company. It’s the worst mistake I’ve made in my entire life. He offered me a salary and said we’d work a lot, for the first 4 months I was the only employee with him and his brother and I had to literally clean after them, even if it wasn’t my mess,
I was overworked to the point of being at the company 7 days a week. After 6 months, they finally hired someone new, and the new employee lasted 30 days cause he grew sick and tired of this person’s way of working. He makes you feel like you need to do something all day long, he’s never there and all he does is shit on everyone’s work. To top it off, out of the blue he comes and says that we need to AT LEAST work 50 hours to qualify for salary, when he knows I live an hour away from the office. I have no one to talk to about this but my wife, and I’m tired of worrying her about my mental well-being but I’m at breaking point and I really need the money but I’m going insane with this company.

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