
My boss is an enigma of contradiction wrapped in a shroud of hypocrisy

My boss: Gabby and Jessica did a fantastic job planning the annual gala! Accolades from board members and major donors have been pouring in and we have made our goal this year! All the hard work and late nights was worth it. Two weeks later Also my boss: Gabby has left the organization. I cannot discuss why, but I wanted talk to you about it because I know you two had gotten close. Do you have any questions? Are you ok? Me: Do I need to be worried about my position? Also my boss: (laughs) ——————————————————————————————————————————- My boss: We are a team; we are transparent with each other, that is how we succeed. Also my boss: You are not allowed to ask why someone from the team is gone, it is against the law for me to tell you why. And I will be disciplining Jacob for discussing it with…

My boss: Gabby and Jessica did a fantastic job planning the annual gala! Accolades from board members and major donors have been pouring in and we have made our goal this year! All the hard work and late nights was worth it.

Two weeks later

Also my boss: Gabby has left the organization. I cannot discuss why, but I wanted talk to you about it because I know you two had gotten close. Do you have any questions? Are you ok?

Me: Do I need to be worried about my position?

Also my boss: (laughs)


My boss: We are a team; we are transparent with each other, that is how we succeed.

Also my boss: You are not allowed to ask why someone from the team is gone, it is against the law for me to tell you why. And I will be disciplining Jacob for discussing it with you.


My boss: I understand you are sad about Gabby leaving, but you need to try to compartmentalize when you are in the office. I know she was the only person that came in everyday like you do, but we all work from home now, you need to get used to it.

Also my boss: Where are you? Why weren't you at the office yesterday and today? I am here. What is going on?


My boss: I encourage people to take time off in the summer because it is the only two months out of the year we are not busy.

Also my boss: You are taking off an entire week? We have a committee meeting and an event that week. Can't you find another time for the family reunion?


My boss: I pride myself on understanding people's needs and know that there are other things going on outside of work. I want to support you in any way I can.

Also my boss: I am sorry about your recent hospitalization and near death experience, but you used to be so bubbly and excited at work. Please work on your attitude.


Yeah, she can fire me. This back and forth is borderline gaslighting. She has proven that hard work does not get rewarded, so I will be putting in minimal effort. She does not care about the morale at all, so I will have none. If everyone is working from home, so will I. I have had covid, intestinal issues and kidney stones at the same time, both of which led me to be hospitalized for a week, and a near death experience all in less than four months; I am depressed and she is not worthy of my beautiful fake smile. During my interview, this woman told me she read about the Great Resignation and had seen posts on Anti-work, so if you are reading this, you know who you are, and you go fuck yourself.

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