
My Boss is Ghosting Me

So I've been working at a small business for about a month now, meaning its only me and my boss, no other employees. First red flag: My boss said they would pay me on the 15th and 31st of every month. Well my boss was on a road trip when the 15th of the month came around so I didn't get paid. I let it slide because I know she's busy. Then a few days later, she promised to pay me Friday (the 19th), thankfully she texted me this without me having to ask. Anyways, didn't hear anything Friday so on Saturday I asked if something didn't work with my bank account. That's when she decided to tell me she left all my info at work so she couldn't pay me. Then she said I needed to give her my hours and SIN number. Didn't realize I was supposed to…

So I've been working at a small business for about a month now, meaning its only me and my boss, no other employees.

First red flag: My boss said they would pay me on the 15th and 31st of every month. Well my boss was on a road trip when the 15th of the month came around so I didn't get paid. I let it slide because I know she's busy. Then a few days later, she promised to pay me Friday (the 19th), thankfully she texted me this without me having to ask. Anyways, didn't hear anything Friday so on Saturday I asked if something didn't work with my bank account. That's when she decided to tell me she left all my info at work so she couldn't pay me. Then she said I needed to give her my hours and SIN number. Didn't realize I was supposed to be calculating my hours myself so I was a bit upset but ultimately my pay came through on the 21st (been working a month and only just got paid then).

Second red flag: last Sunday I asked if I would be getting a new schedule soon and she assured me that she would get me one once she's back to work that Monday the 21st. Now a week later, I still haven't heard from her, and I have no work schedule.

I'm just so confused as to what this even means and what I should do.

I'm in Canada by the way.

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