
My boss is great but past workplace trauma has made me terrified of calling out

Just a little background, I started working as a temp for a nonprofit in my city back in August of 2021, and was hired on full time in mid-November. My coworkers, my boss, the job, all of it is great. The past several weeks and months have really done a number on me though and based on how past employers have reacted to things it makes me extremely nervous any time I call out. In December I was the sickest I’ve been in a long time, but they didn’t seem to mind. In late January I called out once because I injured myself on a work-related trip. I didn’t file workman’s comp because it’s something I absolutely should not have been doing and my boss had even told me not to attempt on my own. I’m not the type to file for something that is 100% on me, which I…

Just a little background, I started working as a temp for a nonprofit in my city back in August of 2021, and was hired on full time in mid-November. My coworkers, my boss, the job, all of it is great. The past several weeks and months have really done a number on me though and based on how past employers have reacted to things it makes me extremely nervous any time I call out. In December I was the sickest I’ve been in a long time, but they didn’t seem to mind. In late January I called out once because I injured myself on a work-related trip. I didn’t file workman’s comp because it’s something I absolutely should not have been doing and my boss had even told me not to attempt on my own. I’m not the type to file for something that is 100% on me, which I think is part of the reason they were fine with me calling out for those two days. Last month someone took a shotgun to the back of my car. I didn’t call out, I used Uber until insurance could arrange for a rental. Last week I got my car back finally and IMMEDIATELY blew a tire out the next morning on the way to work. Didn’t call out, changed the tire in the snow and cold and made it to work, albeit late. I’m hoping these things show I am dedicated to the job and the work that we do. Called out today because I ate something that has made operating normally at work a virtual impossibility. I think my boss understood.

Point being, does anyone else have a great boss and workplace but is scared to death of calling out because of treatment by former bosses?

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