
My boss is incompetent and an airhead.

I work as an armed security guard. Here are some dates as a reference for my long rant Aug 22 – Mon | Aug 23 – Tue | 24th – Wed | 25th – Thurs | 26th – Fri | So back in April 2022, I requested the 25th & 26th of August for an event I wanted to attend. We use an app called StaffApp to clock in, request off, etc. Anyway, it was approved. Fast forward to the 21st of August, I get a notification that I had been scheduled to work the 25th-28th. My boss scheduled me off between the 22nd-24th. I get confused b/c I thought – and I was told by my friend who is also my supervisor this – that once your request off in the app has been approved, it doesn’t allow you to be scheduled for those days. I text my boss…

I work as an armed security guard. Here are some dates as a reference for my long rant

Aug 22 – Mon |
Aug 23 – Tue |
24th – Wed |
25th – Thurs |
26th – Fri |

So back in April 2022, I requested the 25th & 26th of August for an event I wanted to attend. We use an app called StaffApp to clock in, request off, etc. Anyway, it was approved.

Fast forward to the 21st of August, I get a notification that I had been scheduled to work the 25th-28th.

My boss scheduled me off between the 22nd-24th. I get confused b/c I thought – and I was told by my friend who is also my supervisor this – that once your request off in the app has been approved, it doesn’t allow you to be scheduled for those days.

I text my boss that day (21st) and informed her that I had requested those days off. She doesn’t respond until the next day and tells me I need to provide proof that I had requested those days off b/c she doesn’t remember me doing so. In my mind, I’m like, “are you fucking kidding me?! The fucking app TELLS you everything you need to know!!!” So I scroll through, I find the request in the app, I send her a screenshot of it, she then responds, “oh yeah. Ok I’ll fix it.” While this is all happening, I’m already off since it says so in the schedule (the 22nd) and it’s like 4:40 pm CST? It’s pretty late in the evening.
She then proceeds to ask me, “can you work today at 6?” Fucking last minute, I’m out and about and she expects me to drop whatever I’m doing? Hell no. So I tell her, “no, I cannot. It’s last minute & I’m not even near my house to gather my gear and change. I can work Tuesday & Wednesday though.” Her response to that was, “wow. Ok bye” and hangs up on me. She then proceeds to contact my supervisor & tells him, “your boy needs to check his attitude & start being a team player. He can’t just tell me no and not work b/c it’s last minute.” Out of spite, she doesn’t schedule me at all that week. He then calls me, chewed my ear out b/c he got chewed out by her and tells me to quit being difficult.
I tell him, “Wtf. How is this my fault?! If she knew what hell she was doing – and she has a history of forgetting and screwing things up – we wouldn’t even be in this mess!”
He then agreed with what I had to say, but still indirectly implied that I’m not blameless in this situation.

There’s more to this than just this story, especially recently in early September, but it’s way too long and not worth getting angry again. It’s so damn toxic and petty, my boss won’t even respond to my texts or phone calls when it’s a work-related question or an incident.

I’m putting in my two weeks notice this month on the 28th. I’m fucking done with this company. It also doesn’t even pay well compared to other security companies.

I’m sorry for the novel, ladies and gents. Long rant over.

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