
My boss is mad I’m taking off a week

Or at least he’s making me feel guilty about it. I have cellulitis! And I work with violent kids and I often have to break up fights. I’m in pain when I’m not sitting And Wearing clothes that are somewhat tight hurts. Plus my infection is still oozing I worked all of Friday with excruciating pain and didn’t leave early even though my boyfriend was begging me to because we were short staffed. I ended up in the ER that night. I don’t like to complain at work but if that means people aren’t going to understand the severity of what I’m going through, I guess I’ll have to be more vocal. Cellulitis can turn into sepsis if it’s not properly treated.

Or at least he’s making me feel guilty about it. I have cellulitis! And I work with violent kids and I often have to break up fights. I’m in pain when I’m not sitting And Wearing clothes that are somewhat tight hurts. Plus my infection is still oozing
I worked all of Friday with excruciating pain and didn’t leave early even though my boyfriend was begging me to because we were short staffed. I ended up in the ER that night. I don’t like to complain at work but if that means people aren’t going to understand the severity of what I’m going through, I guess I’ll have to be more vocal. Cellulitis can turn into sepsis if it’s not properly treated.

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