
My boss is making me bounce kids at a grocery store. Could I get into legal trouble?

So this is kinda of an odd one and apologies if this is the wrong place to post/ask about this. So I work as a cart boy at my local grocery store as a part time job. I’m around 25 just looking to make some extra cash. Around 11am each day we get rushed by kids from the local high school coming to grab lunch. The kids are polite, leave quickly, and we’ve never had an incident with them. However on my last shift my boss asked me to stand at the door and make them line up as there was a “10 capacity limit” for high school students in the store. So, like an idiot, I stood at the door and bounced these poor teens who just wanted to buy lunch for an hour. It was stupid, I felt stupid doing it. The kids were confused and annoyed, the…

So this is kinda of an odd one and apologies if this is the wrong place to post/ask about this.

So I work as a cart boy at my local grocery store as a part time job. I’m around 25 just looking to make some extra cash.

Around 11am each day we get rushed by kids from the local high school coming to grab lunch. The kids are polite, leave quickly, and we’ve never had an incident with them.

However on my last shift my boss asked me to stand at the door and make them line up as there was a “10 capacity limit” for high school students in the store. So, like an idiot, I stood at the door and bounced these poor teens who just wanted to buy lunch for an hour.

It was stupid, I felt stupid doing it. The kids were confused and annoyed, the adults coming into the store were laughing, confused old people kept jumping in the line with the high school students. It was great!

However what concerns me is that afterward I was informed that I should be doing this on every one of my shifts.

Now I don’t know how it legally works, but keeping people out of a damn grocery store based on their age feels a little iffy to me. Plus I’m concerned as this will only end with one of the high school kids getting upset and picking a fight with me. So when that day comes I want to know if I’m legally doing anything wrong.

Edit: I should add that my boss never gave a reason when I asked. However he’s really snotty so I think he thinks of them as an “eyesore” or something and that’s the cause of this.

Edit 2: I’m Canadian, this is in Canada

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