
My boss is making me surrender my puppies & creating a hostile work environment bc of it.

My boss co-signed for my apartment because I relocated to Denver and when I got here the place I got approved for had squatters in it. I paid almost $3k for a monthly Airb&b before moving in with a coworker for a month. When I found an apartment they rejected me bc my credit score was 10 points lower than what they wanted. My boss offered to co-sign. My 2 y/o chihuahua is pregnant, it is against my lease to have any additional pets. My boss volunteers for a shelter and suggested I foster my dog until her puppies are weaned. When the puppies came my dog did such a good job. Before I took them to the foster ladies house I spent some time with them. I started to change my mind. Maybe I wanted to take them to my moms to be weaned instead of this strange lady.…

My boss co-signed for my apartment because I relocated to Denver and when I got here the place I got approved for had squatters in it. I paid almost $3k for a monthly Airb&b before moving in with a coworker for a month. When I found an apartment they rejected me bc my credit score was 10 points lower than what they wanted. My boss offered to co-sign. My 2 y/o chihuahua is pregnant, it is against my lease to have any additional pets. My boss volunteers for a shelter and suggested I foster my dog until her puppies are weaned. When the puppies came my dog did such a good job. Before I took them to the foster ladies house I spent some time with them. I started to change my mind. Maybe I wanted to take them to my moms to be weaned instead of this strange lady. So while I was weighing my options the lady reached out to my boss. I took the dogs to the ladies house figuring it was best for the puppies. But the stipulation is I have to get the mommy dog fixed. I really don’t want to. Like REALLY don’t want to. My boss then called me screaming about how this isn’t a game or funny or cute. She asked me what I was going to do about work and housing if I took the puppies to my mom. Now the foster mom is super busy with grooming and dog sitting and reluctant to let me visit MY dog. Even tho I know it’s stressful for mama dog to be in a strange ladies bathroom with all these strange fcking dogs moving around in the house. I feel so bad for my dog. And I want her and the puppies. What can/should I do?

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