
My boss is so incredibly uptight

I work at a 4 year university and as it is right before a holiday, today was incredibly slow and boring. Around 11:30, we received an email from the president's office saying we were free to leave at 1pm today since Thanksgiving travel can be hectic. All the bosses in the other departments in my office were like HELL YEAH immediately and were down to let their employees go and leave themselves. The other offices are much chiller than mine. One of MY bosses, however, immediately started complaining about it. I couldn't hear everything she was saying to our director, but I caught snippets of “she wasn't very specific in the email” and “unfair”. She just generally sounded annoyed. She also kept saying how unfair this was to the students, like 4 extra hours off would cause the University to explode. I literally had all my work done for the…

I work at a 4 year university and as it is right before a holiday, today was incredibly slow and boring. Around 11:30, we received an email from the president's office saying we were free to leave at 1pm today since Thanksgiving travel can be hectic.

All the bosses in the other departments in my office were like HELL YEAH immediately and were down to let their employees go and leave themselves. The other offices are much chiller than mine.

One of MY bosses, however, immediately started complaining about it. I couldn't hear everything she was saying to our director, but I caught snippets of “she wasn't very specific in the email” and “unfair”. She just generally sounded annoyed. She also kept saying how unfair this was to the students, like 4 extra hours off would cause the University to explode. I literally had all my work done for the day by 10am, got 3 emails from students, and zero phone calls.

I was so scared that they wouldn't let me go, although my friends in the other departments were encouraging me to just leave even if they said no. Luckily, we were given the green light but I'm just annoyed that it had to be made into such a big fucking deal. It's 4 hours, calm tf down.

TL;DR: my boss was more annoyed than happy that the president of the college let us leave at 1pm today

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