
My boss is so unfair. I cant believe this shit.

First of all, when I got hired, my boss and I agreed on a wage. Now, he wants to pay me that wage and expect me to live on it! Also, each week we agree on a schedule and this asshole actually expects me to come in on every day I'm scheduled. I call in about four times a month because I stayed up too late smoking weed and playing Xbox, and every time I call in I get the feeling he thinks I'm calling in for some bullshit reason. I also think it's bullshit that the managers make more money than me. Sure, I haven't held a job for more than 3 months without quitting, the managers have years of experience on me, and I haven't bothered to equip myself with any type of education, but it just doesn't make sense that the managers and I work at the…

First of all, when I got hired, my boss and I agreed on a wage. Now, he wants to pay me that wage and expect me to live on it! Also, each week we agree on a schedule and this asshole actually expects me to come in on every day I'm scheduled. I call in about four times a month because I stayed up too late smoking weed and playing Xbox, and every time I call in I get the feeling he thinks I'm calling in for some bullshit reason. I also think it's bullshit that the managers make more money than me. Sure, I haven't held a job for more than 3 months without quitting, the managers have years of experience on me, and I haven't bothered to equip myself with any type of education, but it just doesn't make sense that the managers and I work at the same place and they make more than me. Next thing you know they'll be getting upset that I smoke blunts on my break and use my phone for hours on the clock. Bullshit.

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