
My boss is too cheap to replace the doors on our store and winter is coming

The doors are literally falling apart. The outer ones don't work at all so we have to keep them open and the inner doors are constantly opening by themselves and breaking down. All he does is get the cheapest contractors he can find to basically duct tape and wd-40 them every couple weeks when it would just be cheaper to replace them in the long run. The register is right near the doors so the cashiers are freezing and its only October. If this keeps up I will literally have to wear a full snow suit by winter.

The doors are literally falling apart. The outer ones don't work at all so we have to keep them open and the inner doors are constantly opening by themselves and breaking down. All he does is get the cheapest contractors he can find to basically duct tape and wd-40 them every couple weeks when it would just be cheaper to replace them in the long run. The register is right near the doors so the cashiers are freezing and its only October. If this keeps up I will literally have to wear a full snow suit by winter.

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