
My “boss” is trying to make me quit by cutting off my hours

Hello everyone ! First of all, I'm not a native English speaker so I apologize for any mistakes I might make in this post. I just want to give a bit of context before giving the détails of the situation. I'm a foreign student in Quebec, and I work here too as a part-timer in a hotel. I really love my job, and for the first time in my working life, most of my colleagues are super nice and we really get along. About a month ago, our manager (front desk) quit because of the sales manager (she's a piece of work to put it nicely). I'll call her “Radish”, as its a vegetable I truly despise. So, Radish instaured a pretty toxic working environment, and she made a fair number of my colleagues quit. She never really liked me, and even made a “joke” about me being a “bag…

Hello everyone !

First of all, I'm not a native English speaker so I apologize for any mistakes I might make in this post.

I just want to give a bit of context before giving the détails of the situation. I'm a foreign student in Quebec, and I work here too as a part-timer in a hotel. I really love my job, and for the first time in my working life, most of my colleagues are super nice and we really get along. About a month ago, our manager (front desk) quit because of the sales manager (she's a piece of work to put it nicely). I'll call her “Radish”, as its a vegetable I truly despise. So, Radish instaured a pretty toxic working environment, and she made a fair number of my colleagues quit. She never really liked me, and even made a “joke” about me being a “bag of bones” (cause I'm flat I guess). Radish has been, since the very beginning, trying to interfere with my manager's job (telling us what to do and how to do it, criticizing our work and mistakes, etc). But really, she has nothing to do with us, she's a sale manager and we're front desk staff.

Since my manager quit, she's been playing his role, even though no one asked her nor wants her to. Radish has been making our schedules, even after the hotel director (who's never here and as useless as you would expect) made clear that we were to send him our availabilities/sick days etc. Last week, I sent him an email asking for my week-end to be off, as I had things planned with my boyfriend. Radish then proceeded to make sly comments about how I didnt contact her about it, and I saw she was upset I didnt recognize her “authority” (its also not the first time that I make clear I don't see her as my manager).

Now to the present situation, she made the schedules for next week (once again, she's not the one in charge for that) and surprise, I only have one shift. I usually work two 8h shifts/week, as my student visa only allows me to work 20h/week. It's enough to get me by, but if it keeps going on like that, I wont be able to afford rent or food. I know Radish already got other people she didnt like to quit by doing this. I'm worried she's trying to do the same to me now.

As stated earlier, I really love this job and I love my colleagues, so I would be really sad to leave, and being a foreigner, I'm not really sure how things work here. Is there anything I can do to avoid this ? I know I can easily find another job, but I want to see if I can avoid it. I thought about asking the director to give me another shift for next week, but I'm worried that even if he does it this time, the problem will keep going later. Do you have any advice as to how I can proceed ?

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